Site admin

Under Silo Security, users are grouped under organizations, which typically align with real-world organizations. To ensure that organizational goals are met, Wild Me established the Org-Admin Role. These are platform members who will handle user management and address bulk import concerns for their organization.

How to apply for the Org-Admin Role

To get the Org-Admin Role, contact either a site admin or Wild Me. You can manage the following aspects of a platform by using the top navigation and selecting Administer.


  • User access logs provide session information that indicates a user’s IP address and sign-in time.
  • Encounter submissions log provides Encounter creation information that indicates the time when Encounters are created to provide a reference to the encounter.
  • Deleted encounters log provides a record of Encounters that were deleted and a reference to restore the Encounter using the Library Management functionality.
  • Email log provides a record of the automated emails sent from the platform including the type of email, who it was sent to, and what time it was sent.

User Management

Add Users

As an Admin, you can create users. To create a new user:

  1. Go to Administer, then User Management.
  2. Scroll to the Create/Edit User section.
  3. Enter a username, email, and password.
  4. Select the appropriate role based on the permission level you want the user to have. This is multi-select as the roles are not hierarchical.
    • admin: full site access.
    • orgAdmin: grant administrative abilities to manage the organization.
    • researcher: grant the ability to process and manage encounters, individuals, and sightings.
  5. Click Save to create a new user.

Edit Users

  1. Go to Administer, then User Management.
  2. Enter a username, first or last name, or other identifying information in the space provided.
  3. Select a user from the user grid.
  4. Make adjustments to the user as needed.
  5. Click Save to update the user.

Disable Users

Disable users that are leaving the platform or are having their access revoked. This maintain the data integrity between encounters. 1. Go to Administer, then User Management. 2. Select a user from the user grid. To filter the grid, type a username, first name, last name, or email address in the space provided. 3. Take the following steps: * Remove the user’s roles and organizations. * Change the user’s password. * Shut off the email notification. * If your platform has the terms and conditions active, click to reset the field. 4. Click Save to disable the user.

Delete Users

Only delete test accounts or accounts that have no data.

  1. Go to Administer, then User Management.
  2. Enter a username, first or last name, or other identifying information in the space provided.
  3. Select a user from the user grid.
  4. Click Delete User beneath the user’s information.

Data Integrity

Check for Annotations with Multiple Individual IDs

Coming soon.

Check Annotation iaClasses and MediaAsset States by Species

Coming soon.

Find Annotations Duplicated in Two or More Encounters

Coming soon.

URL Access Security Checks

Coming soon.